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文章来源:花草之梦最后更新:2024-07-05 08:56:46
导语 长安君(ID:changan-j): 4月26日报导,不停止的哈里王子和梅根继早期公布摆脱皇室后又玩得了新创意。据悉,她们将要公布一本可燃性的新传略,书里会揭秘很多皇室密闻,并表述两个人决策摆脱皇室的真实缘故。释放自己?哈里王子与梅根将出版发行个人。 当你面对H&M、NIKE、阿迪达斯等品牌对新疆棉恶意诋毁时你会怎么做? 近日,@中国长安网 携手新疆青年原创说唱《你可荒谬(Nike H&M)》,喊话抹黑新疆棉花的西方势力:“只要损害了利益,就是破坏所谓自由?新冠死亡五十万加,哪来资格居高临下?想摧毁和平,不用打人权大旗!” 戳破谎言,用最潮的歌、用最热的血、用最响的声、用最真的心,和长安君一起唱响这首《你可荒谬(Nike H&M)》,告诉世界,新疆的棉花如此洁白,不容玷污! 歌名:《你可荒谬(Nike H&M)》 They’ll never thank me for opening doors 他们从不因我打开了这扇门而感谢我,But they ain’t even thank jesus 但是他们也不曾感谢耶稣,when he died on the cross 当他(指耶稣)死在十字架上的时候。Cause your。 原作:倒悬的橘子 策划:中国长安网 作词:李韵之 庄庆鸿 作曲:“Vroom” prod by Fantom Freedom丶自由 ◇Loney′天轮 Snaki-Ⅱ支离破碎 愤怒的蝴蝶‖ Angry -44 虚无。Hogyua ィ耂ㄋSh1t Love^SUK Sweet°小雨天 乄Sweet灬惟沵丶 Amber hart琥珀心 Beach@ BLUE 16°深蓝梦境 NTM,滚远点 ︻◣_Myraり~ 玛拉 __Crazy。 演唱:李韵之 视频:彭之锦 英语翻译:微博@-西北野战军- 歌词: 挣着中国人的钱又砸了中国人的锅 To bite the hand that feeds 在某个疯魔的晚上掀了上帝的桌 One crazy night,you guys lifted the table of God. You would not consider malicious disinformation an insult to God 自己欠的血债栽赃雪白花朵 Freedom欧美,The ugly face of the Western colonists is recorded on the snowy white cotton. 他考第一 肯定像我一样营私作弊 The demon will think there are demons all around. 四千多的AJ穿了三个月就裂开 More than four thousand dollars of AJ can not wear 3 months 谁管质量好坏 营销收割了那些跟风崇拜 These businessmen do not care about quality,only about income 经济衰退要靠中国市场 去年财报逆市上扬 When in economic crisis,China became the only hope for these businessmen 有锅就让中国扛 又当又立是状元郎 While making money in China,they insult China with impunity. It is like a prostitute proclaiming her chastity,like a heretic spreading the gospel of God,like the Western colonizers ignoring their former sins but playing savior today. 只要损害了利益 就是破坏了所谓自由 Once you think you can't exploit in China,you will attack China with "freedom" 毕竟是巨头 人权的灯塔有些费油 It's hard to understand that the self-proclaimed lighthouse of civilization,which has a sordid hook at its base 奴隶主华盛顿和女王 怎么能说出口 Would it be difficult to tell your descendants that Washington and Queen Victoria,who are considered heroes,were once slave traders who were the greatest insult to human rights? 高地都无法呼吸 难道能容东方一股清流 How can the democratic highland of the US,which carries the suffocated blacks,have tolerated the peace and prosperity of the East? 金发护士哭着拔管老人再自杀 Consci











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